Please Support Us

Please Support Us

Every dollar donated enables to expand on our design to improve our system and add more options that allow healthcare workers to use the ventilator more effectively. We also can keep making it more cost effective so that it can be more accessible everyone, because everyone deserves the best fighting chance to live. 

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Our Projects

Vent Four All

We are currently waiting upon FDA approval for a ventilator design that was created in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The VFA (Vent Four All) will be a very cost effective ventilator aimed to help the medical system afford large quantities for the massive influx of COVID-19 victims.  

Medical Community

If you or anyone you know works in a hospital system that is running out or have run out of ventilators please use the contact tab to let us know. A member of our team will respond quickly to see how we can help you.

Citizens of the World

Our first obligation is to the citizens of the world, to make sure everyone can have access to ventilators. Any support and spread of our message will help us provide for the world. If you are interested in our work and wish to know more please feel free to contact us!